I've admired Ronit since I read her excellent memoir, When She Comes Back. I felt like I knew her and now, through the wonders of social media, I do! I love all of Ronit's work, including her podcasts and when Ronit approached me about doing an IG live where we chat about Memoir and hopefully demystify some things AND create community I didn't have to think for a moment before saying YES!
We jump on IG Live once a month to convene our virtual memoir support group. Each month we discuss a different topic and answer live questions. You can ask us questions for future chats via DM or email. We'd love to have you join us! And you can also watch the replays on Instagram or Youtube, here are the links:
Watch Memoir Chat Replays on Instagram HERE.
Watch Memoir Chat Replays on YouTube HERE.
Memoir Chat #1 - Writing support and prompts
Memoir Chat #2 - Talking about titles
Memoir Chat #3 - Writing from the wound vs. the scar, structure and writing trauma
Memoir Chat #4 - How do you know when to submit
Memoir Chat #5 - Talking about voice
Memoir Chat #6 - Talking about first reads
Memoir Chat #7 - How to change course when you're in the midst of writing, incorporating notes
We jump on IG Live once a month to convene our virtual memoir support group. Each month we discuss a different topic and answer live questions. You can ask us questions for future chats via DM or email. We'd love to have you join us! And you can also watch the replays on Instagram or Youtube, here are the links:
Watch Memoir Chat Replays on Instagram HERE.
Watch Memoir Chat Replays on YouTube HERE.
Memoir Chat #1 - Writing support and prompts
Memoir Chat #2 - Talking about titles
Memoir Chat #3 - Writing from the wound vs. the scar, structure and writing trauma
Memoir Chat #4 - How do you know when to submit
Memoir Chat #5 - Talking about voice
Memoir Chat #6 - Talking about first reads
Memoir Chat #7 - How to change course when you're in the midst of writing, incorporating notes